Thursday, December 27, 2007

finished pillow embroidery

It's done! I didn't get a picture of the final, backed and finished pillow. I put it together by hand and finished sewing on the twisted cording at my sister's yesterday and handed it off to the bride and groom. Here's how it ended up:

I ended up not using any pearls or sequins on it. I made a twisted cord from the burgundy thread to use to tie on the rings. It seems to hold the tie nicely but also pull apart easily so there won't be any unseemly struggles for the rings at the altar.

I backed it with burgundy velvet and for the little boy to hold it, I stitched a 3" wide band of velvet across the back. He can grab the band or he can just slip his hands in to hold it.

Here are the eyelets I stitched in to hold the cording. I also debated just stitching the cording to the top but I decided I liked the look of the eyelets.

My part in the preparations for the big day is over, phew!


  1. I've just found your blog after seeing you in the F&S forum. So I read all the posts at once, from the start.

    I'm so glad you finished up the ring pillow...*S* Looked like touch and go for awhile.

    What beautiful work you do. It's a virtual pleasure to meet you.

  2. I know the pillow is just beautiful finished! Very, very nice work, and I know the couple will cherish it.

  3. Beautifully done. It really is something to treasure.
