Friday, January 25, 2008

January TIF completed

My Take-It-Further page is done and scanned. I'm pleased with the way it came out but happy to have a few days before the new challenge. Looking at it now it doesn't seem like that huge of a project, but it's more than I usually do, quicker than I usually do it and I neglected a lot of other things whilst doing it.

I also learned a lot and experimented a lot and had a whole lot of fun. Here's the piece with all of it's flaps in order. Here is the back. And here is the front with some of the flaps opened.

This lovely little hand embroidered handkerchief was a gift from my husband to me; another antique find.


  1. Beautifully done and something to treasure.

  2. Found you on the TIF blog. This looks wonderful. Can't wait to see more.

  3. I can't wait to see it in person! It looks fantastic from your scans.


  4. This is definitely a treasure - how beautiful.

  5. This is such a great idea, and I love how you have shown and written about your process. Esp. the writing, I am fascinated by how people come up with their ideas.
