Friday, January 11, 2008

New Mexico Fiber Arts Trails

Last night the mail brought me a wonderful brochure from a cousin in New Mexico: "New Mexico Fiber Arts Trails." It's a compilation of fiber related destinations all over the state. I looked today and there's a website so you can enjoy it too:
After this very gray and rainy week, I must say that sunny New Mexico really sounds delightful.

I've been thinking a lot about the take it further challenge and have come up with a layout for the bottom layer. I hope to get some time to paint this weekend. I have red, royal and navy cotton and plan to stamp the squares in gold and perhaps paintsticks. I also have some gold leaf to try, gold embossing powder, dryer sheets and a sheet of lutradur. I'm really looking forward to the weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the wonderful link!

    New Mexico is wonderful, and we were just talking tonight about going out there again. If you like sterling silver, it's a great place to find that, too :)
