Tuesday, February 12, 2008

February Take It Further progress

It's freezing here and snowy so we were home a lot over the weekend. I did a lot of cooking Sunday, to help keep warm. Along with some stitching, of course.

I made a full size sketch of my journal page for February, the first image here. I sketched in my candelabra full sized, too. I used tracing paper and penciled in the piano line on the back so I could then transfer it to a piece of plain paper.

Once I had the curve in place, I went fabric shopping in my stash.
I didn't find exactly what I wanted but I did find things that would work. Here's my notebook with samples. I used a beige polyester with some stretch for the curve line. I folded it over and seamed it (I tried to make a tube and turn it but it just wouldn't cooperate so I gave up on that.)

For the beaded background on the right,
I found a heavy white twill fabric. I had hoped for find a satin or moire for the piano, but I didn't have any so I am layering two layers of white chiffon over a quilting cotton with a white on white pattern. I like the effect.

To put the complex curve together, I basted my beige tube to the paper outline then I stitched the two white fabrics in turn to the tube. Lastly, I traced my candelabra to another piece of tissue paper, pinned it to the fabric, and basted through the tissue to transfer the design lines. Here it all is, still basted to the paper backing and unpressed. My next step will be to baste this to a piece of plain white cotton and mount it on stretcher bars to embroider. And I said I'd go for a simpler, quicker project in February!

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