Monday, February 4, 2008


Jane and I had a fun play date on Friday night and I ended up with a total of eight 2" pink squares for the challenge. These things are addictive!

I used pages from all of my various transfers. The pink one top left is a gel medium transfer. The beige one next to it is a direct-iron on transfer. The pink one in the second row wiht lace is also a gel medium transfer. Below that in row three the left-had design uses a fusible web transfer, as does the blue one next to it.

I also found a little box that I'd saved from something--the squares fit into it perfectly! I want to show them at my guild and then they're off to Monica for her community art doll project.

Blogger is giving me fits tonight and nothing seems to be working right so I'm just going to get these pictures up and try more later this week. I've uploaded this photo at least a dozen times and when I try to move it where I want it, it disappears and I have to start from scratch all over again. And each time a photo's added, it changes the spacing of everything!

I did samples of photo transfers this weekend, lots of hearts using the Clover template, and came up with some ideas and sketches for my TIF challenge.


  1. Marjorie, these are soooooo darn cute & you are right about these being addictive... I also couldn't stop at one. :) I love that you tried a variety of techniques during the creation of your squares, really really kuhl! Thanks so very much for contributing these beauties to our doll & wall art piece. I've been working out the details of the doll and hope to stitch our first square on next weekend. How Xciting is that??? I'll be sharing this event on my blog, stay tuned. You are a blessing to this project, thank you & to your husband for joining in the fun. :) He is too kind to run your pkg to the PO, sometimes those lines can be way too long to stand in when you could be creating art instead. ;) Art on, Monica

    I'll let you know when they arrive.

  2. p.s. that box is perfect for holding these!

    Hi Jane! (waving hello here, wish I could have been creating with you two, looks like you had a great time)

