Friday, March 28, 2008

Fiber & Stitch Challenge piece

I finished it last night and took photos this morning. I was quite unhappy with the project at first and feel I need to experiment a lot more with working with Misty-Fuse, sheers and fabrics, but in the end I'm quite pleased with the outcome.

The embroidery is all done by hand. I used only three stitches: straight, outline and French knots. Once I decided to see about lighting it from behind, I wanted to avoid the shadows that would have appeared with more extensive embroidery.

I made the landscape into a tube because when I showed it to my husband, I held it in front of a light. The effect was striking and he said it reminded him of those painted shades (with landscapes or cowboys and Indians) from the 1950s that would rotate. It just so happened that the landscape matched up quite well along the seam line.

We don't have a light that fits inside but right now it does fit perfectly over the ever-present box of Quaker Oatmeal in the kitchen.

I discussed the project previously here and here.

This project has sparked additional ideas. I'd like to do an all-felt landscape, using bits of loose wool to add the haze of distance. I'd also like to do a landscape with only one background fabric, building up the landscape from sheers.


  1. That is a beautiful landscape, I particularly like the sky. Have you seen the little flickering tealights that run on a battery?

  2. Oooh, I love this one! I was going to say the same thing about the battery operated tea lights...

    I love your color combinations!!

  3. Hey GF:

    Guess what? I found something at JoAnn Fabrics which might light this up. You said it fits over your oatmeal box [not sure what size that is ... ]

    Anyhow, going thru the aisles, I found a candle. It looks like a candle; however, it is a lamp. The light bulbs are 'flame' shape & multiple bulbs are available.

    The 'candle' part is bone color & base is brass. Thus, if it shows thru a little bit, it wouldn't be UGLY !!!

    Plus, it was inexpensive. With a 40% off coupon, might be worth a try.
