Wednesday, March 19, 2008


With the big quilt show coming up, I certainly don't need to be buying fabric, but that's what I did yesterday. I recently got this book at Jo-Anns (with a 40% off coupon!)

I love the designs for small accessories in it but I just don't have the types of fabrics she uses (mostly lovely Japanese silks and cotton prints). But I found Amy Butler's Belle Collection at Windmill City Quilts in Geneva, IL and fell in love. I purchased half-yards of several.

I have been staying focused (my word for the year) however and have been concentrating on working on my felt tote bag. I got huge (abount 1/2" across) antique brass finish snaps for closures (the top's going to be heavy with those felt flowers so I didn't want it to flop). The bag's all together. I used the Eskimo Edging Stitch to join the bottom of the bag, using one strand of Watercolors. I also have a button closure. I got some beaded trim to cover the seam between the top and bottom of the bag. The bag's all together and I added half the snaps last night. Tonight I'll add the second half of the snaps and a button closure at the top and then begin adding flowers.

Terry had a perfect suggestion for my TIF project in her comment on this post--I do think I need to add a light line around the "flames." I'm contemplating how best to do that. Thanks, Terry!


  1. Oooh, I LOVE Amy Butler! I'm waiting to order some of her fabric to use on my table at the craft fair I'm doing in's on backorder :(. I'll have to check out her collection!

  2. I just noticed your new picture on your blog heading -- very cute!!! Very springie.

    PS I've visited the quilt store in Chesterton -- has been awhile ago -- but, the selection was very nice. Loads of patterns in the small space she had available.
