Monday, April 14, 2008

International Quilt Festival

This was a fun weekend. Friday was the International Quilt Festival. If you can ever get there, do so. It’s just wonderful. The website has some great images of the festival. The galleries of quilts on display are awe inspriing and wonderful to see. The market place is very dangerous to the wallet (and a great deal of fun!)

When we got there the first thing I did was go to the Quilting Arts “Make-it U” and sign up for classes. Then I went around the corner to the Art Girlz booth. I stocked up on felt balls, cones for dolls, and faces, feet and hands. I got into the first class and Judy Coates Perez taught us her painted collage technique. (Woo-Hoo!) A picture of me is in her blog (two actually if you look close!) (how cool is that?) here

Just under the photo of Judy is a pic of three ladies hard at work. I'm the one on the left, wearing bright stripes. Here's what I made, still a work in progress. This was a really fun class and I got to experiment and play and learn things, too.

I shopped (more on that later this week) and took another wonderful class by Grinnel FiberWorks about making a collaged, painted, beaded brooch. The teacher (whose name I’ve sadly forgotten) had lots of wonderful ideas and suggestions. I was amazed to have been drawn for two classes!

So here's another work-in-progress from the festival, my "brooch" (maybe, it keeps getting bigger so it may become something else entirely.

My friends and I had a great lunch at Gibsons across the street. Our tradition is to do show-n-tell over lunch and it’s always great fun. Plus we always share one of their wonderful (and gigantic) desserts. In the afternoon it was more shopping.
Saturday was a fun lecture lunch with Mary (Monica Ferris) Pulver. Her talk was fun and really interesting. We had a good turnout for our guild’s first venture into this type of event. My sister and sister-in-law and friend Gena all came and we had a great time.

Today my hubby and I went out to the Illinois State Museum’s Lockport Gallery to see the new show there, Embellishment. I believe this show will go to other gallerys of the museum and if you can see it, it’s well worth it. For fiber artitsts there are laces, quilts, embroideries and an amazing crazy quilt. There are other media, too: wood, ceramic, metal, hair, glass—all examples of the human love of Embellishment.
Phew! I spent a quiet Sunday evening at home, petting my stash and scanning in some images of it to post later this week.
Next week I'm off to the EGA Great Lakes Region Seminar in Madison, Wisconsin. The fun is just overwhelming!


  1. I remember months ago when I mentioned worrying about coming all the way south to hear Monica Ferris speak. I was worried about weather, and you replied that since it would be April, things should be balmy and spring-like.

    Ha, ha..........*L*.....I hope you stayed warm enough.

  2. Marjorie, you did such a wonderful job. Please let me know if you take it to the next level and quilt it, I would love to see what you do.

    It was so fun seeing everyone's pieces. It would have helped to have more time to let the paint dry better between layers. I am amazed at how well everyone did in such a short time.

    That was my first time teaching that technique so it was a great learning experience for me too. Next time I will use Golden brand semi gloss gel medium not the dick blick brand for the collage. I know that would have helped some people not get such a heavy layer of paint over their images, also I think the Golden adheres better.

  3. I love the phrase "petting your stash." I've been doing the same thing, but I usually call in fondling.

    I've been too tired since the weekend to do anything with it yet.

