Thursday, April 24, 2008

It's over!

Well, this year's GLR seminar is officially over. I'm whacked! (but happy). Today was more intense stitching on my cricket. I actually completed his wing. I didn't start his body. I want to do more on the leaf he'll be sitting on first. This class is so full of things to learn, my head's still spinning. Teacher Lynn Payette has really cool ways of doing fly stitch, beading, twisted cord, and detached sheer elements. I tried to sample each technique but the day just flew by.

I did a bit of work, got the books updated for the secretary position and passed them on to the new secretary and was generally busy! I stayed far away from the boutique sale and the bookstore.

We had a lovely dinner with the last of the doorprizes and the opportunity basket drawing. I didn't win. I'm not too bummed; I have plenty of goodies to bring home. But there were some lovely prizes. Our favor tonight was a sewing kit in a lipstick tube! It is really cool. I brought my autograph book and had the EGA national president, Carol Dam, sign it, along with some friends.

Two years ago I attended my first regional seminar. I didn't know anyone except for my roommate. Five meetings and two more seminars later, I feel like I really know a lot of these people! I know what kind of stitching they like--I already know several who like exactly the same things I do (because we're in classes together over and over). I know bits and pieces of their lives. I know who's quick and who's not, who's loud and who's very quiet. I've made two friends that I'm already thinking about ways we can get together in between meetings...

I know more about how chapters in other areas manage, what they do, and how they work. I've met a bunch of incredible teachers, too, and not just in class. I've ridden with them in the elevator and sat with them at meals. I've learned about their joys, trials and tribulations, and the other things they do besides teach needlework.

So, I'm sitting here on my last night, exhausted but hyped up with a brain full of new things, wishing it wasn't over but also rather happy it is. I think what I need now is a week here at the hotel, with the same people and shops just to stitch on my projects. A little less driven, more relaxed, more time to chat. Instead I'm heading north to visit a good friend for a day. Which is most likely a good break from the intensity of the last few days. I can't wait to see my friends. And I also can't wait to get home to my sweetie on Saturday. Time to go.

1 comment:

  1. Your posts have really made me wish I had signed up. It sounds like you had a vabulous couple of days, can't wait to see your projects when you get back.

