Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Regional Seminar Day Three

Today was another busy stitching day. First thing this morning I went shopping (how's that for bliss: a well-stocked needlework store around the corner and open at 7 a.m.!!!) I got some brown linen thread for tree trunks and some greens for leaves. The kits had plenty of materials but I wanted more variety and a slightly different color way.
I finished up my tree trunks and began adding branches. After lunch I started adding some leaves. Most of the students also cut out a backing board and painted a background to add even more of sense of distance. I made my piece just a bit too wide and it wouldn't fit well on the precut board. I'll do that when I get home--I watched everyone else and have a pretty good idea of how to do it. We learned how to mount and finish our pieces.
In the middle we had a Really Good lunch (Chicken Teriaki). I don't think I've mentioned it much before but the food here is really good. I hear the coffee is wonderful, too. At lunch we sat with two of our teachers, Lynn Payette and Michele Roberts, and two other teachers who, I believe, will be teaching at next year's seminar.
At the end of class I had the teacher sign my book and my autograph book and I asked my neighbors to also sign my autograph book. The chatter became a bit more general as we packed to leave and I learned more about my new friends.
Tonight was our free night. Many attendees went for a tour and dinner. Instead I had a pleasant drive through the Wisconsin countryside to Mt. Horeb and Witchery Stitchery. The shop extended their hours just for us and I must say I made it worth their while!
I found some Needle Necessity overdyes and DMC Medici wools, both fibers are no longer available. (more or less; I think Medici is still available, just not from DMC in the skeins, and I believe someone may be replicating some of NN's colorways but I'm not sure about either.) I'd never been up to Witchery Stitchery but my used to love to go to Mt. Horeb and the needlework shop. Mt. Horeb looks to be a charming old town with antiques and other interesting shops. I didn't linger because I wanted to find my way back before dark.
Afterward I decided that instead of a late dinner, I would, can you believe this?, exercise. I spent a half-hour jumping, jogging, and being silly in the pool. I dined on a lovely huge orange and almond-butter and rice cakes...not too shabby. Oh, and some Very Good Chocolate that my brother gave me Saturday.
Tomorrow I begin Cricket with Lynn Payette (which is really a grasshopper). Excuse me while I go and fondle my ever growing stash!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like heaven! (the whole day) I can't wait to see your trees, and the grasshopper sounds neat too. I know you had a lot of fun last time you took one of Lynn's classes, so i'm sure you are looking forward to it.

