Thursday, May 1, 2008

not much new...

Sorry for the long silence. Events have conspired. My computer wasn't working right while I was away so I was slammed with work when I returned. (My job it NOT running conferences but in addition to my usual tasks, I have a two-day conference next week, another two-day in June, and a week-long event in July where most of the speakers need visa letters post haste!) My thumb-drive also died, which means I can't scan or upload photos at home and bring them in. And I've been so flat-out busy I haven't been near a store to get a new one yet. Perhaps tonight.

In the meantime, I have some photos of my goodies from the quilt show in early April. I'd planned to post them last week but the computer problems prevented it. 'nuff whinging.

I found this quilt a while ago and fell in love with it. At the quilt show I got to see the real quilt, meet the artist, Sieglinde Schoen Smith, and she signed the book for me. Each page is illustrated with a bit from the quilt that is appropriate and the entire quilt is printed on the inside of the dust jacket. It's a lovely book and I was thrilled to meet the maker and see some of her other quilts.

I already posted that I took two classes in the Quilting Arts space. ArtGirlz were nearby and I did the usual damage there, buying some cones for dolls, charms for faces, hands and feet, and felt beads. I don't have photos of that yet, but have been working on one of their new mini-cone-doll pins and will take a picture when I'm done.

Also nearby was a lovely booth for Magic Threads, Julie McCullough's company. I kept eyeing it as I was working on my painting project and scooted in there the minute the class ended. Julie herself was there and we had a nice chat about her dolls. They're lovely with lots of painted lace and delicate touches. I purchased this fairy kit to make a Bluebell Fairy. The kit has everything.

Another of my favorite booths is Laura Wasilowski's ArtFabrik. I've mentioned her before. I got some lovely hand-dyed silks she had.

They're kind of all muddled together here. There is a burgundy/blue fabric, which is a lovely damask weave on the upper right, two rainbows, one pale and one brighter (upper left and bottom). I purchased those to go behind the drawn-thread pieces I'm working on for this month's TIF challenge. There's also a piece with mottled greens in here that I just love (in the middle). There are a lot of color changes in these fabrics and they're hard to show in all their glory. (They're also slippery and don't want to stay flat and smooth on the scanner.)

I have some more scans for tomorrow, too. I need to revel in the goodies -- the bills just hit and I need to remember why.

I haven't abandoned the TIF challenge, although I didn't make the deadline. I have one more band completely done (thanks to a follow-up CAT scan my hubby had Tuesday) and one more than half-way finished. My problem now is that I learned some new things to do with drawn thread in a class at regional and I'm inclined to try to include them in my changes piece, but not sure how to do it. So I'm changing my plan midstream and still planning. I do feel I have much of it together--I know pretty much how this month's page will go together and that's half the battle.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome home, and I know how you feel about the bills. I finally totaled mine up last night, yikes! Now that my stash is paid for and FP is done, I will have to do some more fondling.
    (Do you like my new 'avatar'? I got it from Wildwood Girls; it's how they picture me over there.)
