Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Busy week

The long weekend and graduation were loads of fun. I'm paying for the days off work now. It'll let up a bit next week.

Before we left I took a long look at our yard--the catalpa tree was in full bloom and it doesn't last long at all. It was glorious! I was right, it was all gone upon our return.

As I was walking to the car to leave, I noticed this fallen blossom--a perfect skirt for a fairy.

We drove through some of the flooded areas but our destination was north of the worst of it. We didn't see much from the expressways, but many of the alternate routes and county roads were closed due to flooding (which was why we were on expressways). It seems never ending this year. Now it's flooding over on the Mississippi!

Appleton is on the Fox River and our big dinner was in an old mill right on the river. The water was really rushing and pretty high and later that night on the news we learned that the restaurant and next-door apartment building were put on alert for high water and possible flooding.

This isn't flooding, it's the north end of Lake Winnebago from a tower at High Cliff State Park. We had a lovely stroll there.

We were enthralled by this baby bunny who inhabited the yard next to the building on campus where we parked each day. He (or she) was busy comping away each day, mostly sprawled in the grass so only the ears peeped up.

I did get in a little stitching and a trip to a really cool bead shop while we were gone. Oh, and a little antiquing, too, in and amongst the festivities. (Thanks to Terry and all of her suggestions.

At the hotel in the evenings, I made my quilt square for Deep River County Park's annual quilt. Leila's are here. I still need to get out a rotary cutter and mat and trim it up.

I also continued to work on the needlepoint pincushion kit from Jenny. It's easy to see and simple needlepoint with enough going on so it's not boring. That's all I've been working on since I've been home. At the end of the day, I just don't want to think anymore!


  1. Sounds like a lovely weekend! Ours was nice too, with lots of kids and grandkids. Chloe loved playing with her doll, but informed me she needs a pillow!
    I've been beading. It sounds like your needlepoint, not boring, but repetitive enough to be relaxing. When I started the project I was very tense and I was rushing, because of the russhing I was making mistakes. Once I slowed down and got into a rythm I started feeling the tension just drain right out of me. I told DH, now I remember why I love to stitch so much!

  2. Beautiful Catalpa. We don't have any of those; however, they are in town & were blooming away. So pretty.

    Looking forward to seeing your pincusion all finished up!! I noticed Martha Stewart had tomato pincushions for her craft of the day. Always makes everything seem too easy!

    Lovely quilt block!!! bright & colorful! I see you had a floral large enough for the entire top -- go you : )
