Friday, June 6, 2008

My "Arte y Pico" Award from Pat Winter

After my hectic week, I decided to take a few and cruise the blogosphere. And at the first blog I went to, I found I'd been presented with an award! I am blown away. I have a hard time grasping that people actually read this jumble! Here's my award!
I learned from Pat's blog, Gatherings, that the "Arte y Pico" award was created and to be given to bloggers who inspire others with their creative energy and their talents, whether it be writing, artwork in all media's. When you receive this award it is considered a "special honor". Once you have received this award, you are to pass it on to at least 5 others.

She said some really nice things about me and my blog and placed me in stellar company. At first I thought I'd have a hard time picking five other blogs and I did--I could have listed at least a dozen that inspire and enlighten me. But here's the five I've honed it down to to send the award on to:

JLC Studio is an energetic and eclectic blog. JLC is a interior designer and jewelry maker who jumped into blogging with both feet. (She also happens to be the daughter of a good (and justifiably proud) friend. Her blog is fun, colorful and charming. She has some interesting more-or-less weekly series and has posted lovely interviews with other Etsy crafters. Oh, and good giveaways.

At Spirit Cloth Jude provides a really thoughtful and almost dreamlike atmosphere as she shows her creative works in progress. It’s amazing to see the projects evolve and develop and I always leave her site feeling refreshed and peaceful.

Baumcat usually features small quilts that just hit my color and style button right on. I would love to be able to create work like this. Her pieces just sing! Family life and pets add to the cheerful mix and the Harley’s just add to the fun.

I recently began regularly reading the Beauty of Life. I love Paula’s attitude and her embroidery is gorgeous (even if she might not always think so). Her stitching posts are complemented by lovely photographs and bits of family life and full of inspiration.

Threads across the Web is a charming blog that I found because of the Japanese embroidery that Carol-Anne does. Along with needlelace, beading... She also posts some lovely inspirational pictures.

I think a common thread with these blogs is that the writers all talk about the process of what they’re doing, the ups and downs, and how life mixes in...all the while focusing on the inspiration all around us every day.

Thank you very much, Pat! You made my day.


  1. not sure if my last message got through. thanks - you've made my day! I sympathise with the unpicking!

  2. Awww...thanks Marje! I'm so happy you enjoy my blog and really appreciate your kind words!!

  3. Marj, I am honoured and flattered that you have bestowed this award to my blog. It will be a hard task to select 5 blogs from all the inspiring blogs in my RSS feed, but I will endevour to do it with in the next day or two.

    Thank you
