Wednesday, July 23, 2008

birthday feast

Monday was my sister's birthday so I took off work and we went for a visit. I brought green beans and birthday cake. My sister-in-law brought bounty from her garden: peppers, cabbage, carrots, green onions, cabbage, peas, cabbage, cherry tomatoes and, of course, cabbage. We had a wonderful feast. I made a forest from the carrot tops.

Not much else is new. I'm working away on the Studio Journals class. I'm having great fun with photographs this week and playing a lot in Photoshop. I'm also still working on my June TIF piece--it's getting there. And thinking about July. I'm amazed that July is already nearly over.

With Photoshop today explored abstraction and pattern. I went from this to this to this... It was very interesting but I'm having a hard time finding a balance between playing with the designs and finding time to stitch.


  1. It sounds like you had a wonderful day. I really like your carrot forest! I looked at your Flikr page too, you have been doing a lot for your journal class. I like the "memory" pages, like scrapbooking without the hype.

  2. btw, i cannot remember if I told you, there are other books available with fabric flowers. The one book that comes to mind is Fabled Flowers by Kumiko Sudo ...

    I think I've had the book since it came out in 1996. It is very beautiful : )
