Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Tea and watercolors

It's been a very busy week with some fun crammed in. First my sister, niece, assistant and I had dim sum at the Phoenix yesterday. It was very yummy. We took a long lunch and walked over to the Ten Ren Tea shop and browsed a couple of other shops.

And this evening I'm stuffed from having a very elegant tea at the Peninsula with my friend Cassandra. We wore our hats and were tres chic. The food and tea were incredible. We had great conversations and laughs. We decided to make it an annual event.

These delights were in the midst of the crazyness of the last days before next week's big conference--printing papers, adjusting hotel reservations, finalizing the catering, and hunting for boxes to pack it all in. My office is piled high. When I've been home I've been crashed. I've not picked up a needle at all. I did do some fun watercolor experiments over the weekend for the Journals class. The first is cling film on wet watercolor. The second is salt on wet watercolor. They are a combination of backgrounds and playing with the color wheel. For the flowers, I colored in some pen and ink drawings from a couple of years ago.

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