Wednesday, August 20, 2008

New nametag

For years I've loved the doll designs by Patti Medaris Culea and have avidly read all of her books, followed her blog, etc. But I'd never actually made a doll from her patterns. Recently she posted a free pattern for a nametag doll, Natania, on her blog and last weekend I decided I needed a new nametag!

It was quite a challenge to stitch, turn and stuff those teeny-tiny pieces but I managed to do it. I used muslin for the doll; happily it was a good quality muslin that didn't fray to bits in my struggles. You draw the face on after you've made it and let me tell you once I had that thing stuffed, that head was going on that doll no matter how the face came out!

It came out pretty much okay, thanks to Patti's directions. The eyes aren't quite level and it's a little high on the face but, hey, I'm pleased with it as a first attempt.

Her armature is pipe cleaners, her blouse a bit of lace. Her hair is hand-dyed silk threads from Treenway Silks (Gulf Island Series, Poet's Cove, about half-way down this page on the right)--their fibers are amazing. I used a wire "armature" for the hair. I used Pigma Micron pens for the face and the name banner, with some Sharpie fine point markers for some of the color.

I'm really glad she added this little pattern. Now that I've dipped my toe, I'm ready to dive in.


  1. How adorable she is!

  2. what a beautiful doll - well done

  3. To Cute. Another beautiful finish.

  4. oh, LOVE LOVE LOVE your nametag!! I printed off the pattern, too
