Thursday, September 11, 2008

not much going on

This is a busy week, another conference coming up at the end of the month and lots of evening activities, so I'm not home much and not stitching much. I worked some last night on the Hardanger piece I'm testing for my EGA chapter.

Monday night was the dinner meeting for the Homewood Embroiderer's Guild and we had our summer challenge unveiling. I must say, my little half butterfly was the least impressive item on the table. And I was pretty pleased with it!

Everyone else did full butterflies. I opted for the half so it would be small enough to be worn as a pin plus, to be honest, I knew I'd never have the time to complete a whole one.

There were some gorgeous pieces. J beaded a two-sided neck pouch with amazing butterflies, lush fringe and a lovely cord. C. made a pastel linen six-sided box with half a butterfly on each triangular top piece so when it's together there are three full butterflies. It was very elegant. I wish I'd brought my camera.

These are photos of the encaustic screen I got. This is the front. They do not show it off well at all but were the best I could get on a cloudy day. The screens are somewhat translucent so the sun coming through them is glorious.

Here's the back side, which is also lovely.

The Shop had a lot of really lovely examples, many set on glass shelves in the windows to really show them off. I had a hard time picking just one!

My husband says now I'm an art collector!

Speaking of my sweetie, our 32d wedding anniversary is a week from today. We have tickets to a concert in November (Leo Kottke at the College of DuPage) but I'd like to make something small and right now I'm totally blank...


  1. Love your little half butterfly and the screen is so interesting. Happy Anniversary next week, CJ(ok;-)
