Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Here's the batch of bottlecap pincushions that I made this weekend.

A monster's eye, sushi, and a Christmas tree. I'm happiest with the sushi. (I embroidered the bottom, too.)

They're all caps from water bottles and felt.

I think I could put pins in the monster eye. It's inhuman enough. I must admit I haven't tried it yet. My eyes are still too "thick" from top to bottom.

The sushi ingredients are felt bits, the rice is detached chain stitches in white perle cotton on the white felt. This one was fun and came out like I'd hoped.

I had fun figuring out how to make the tree like I wanted it--in layers. I'm not quite there but it was a fun experiment.

Each layer is a more tapered cone, separated by a felt "bead." I think wooden beads would work but I didn't have any handy. The embroidery is French knots in gold Balger Braid #8 (and chain stitch around the base).

I think I may do a scull next for Dia de los Muertos.

Alternate photos are on my Flickr site at http://www.flickr.com/photos/marjorie-il/

1 comment:

  1. I love them all...you are so creative...and so quick to complete things. Love the monster eye and the sushi is great.
