Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Photos from last weekend

Last weekend was pretty quiet. Wintry weather hit our area and it was chilly, dark and damp. I had some nice quiet time Saturday morning to finally finish my sample piece for the Plimoth 17th Century jacket embroidery project. It was quite a challenge for me but I really enjoyed it. I don't feel competent with any of the stitches, but I do have a better understanding of them. Now I can make my bee!

I haven't yet sent this off to Plimoth, but will. I'm too late to stitch on the jacket, but the notes say they will display some of these sample pieces in the final exhibit. So I've made up my label and have it ready, but just can't quite part with it yet.

I believe you can still obtain these kits. They're well worth it--you get great instructions and materials plus the chance to help out a wonderful cause.

You can help them even more...their blog just announced they are taking orders for the new Janet Arnold book, Patterns of Fashion 4: The cut and construction of linen shirts, smocks, neckwear, headwear and accessories for men and women c.1540-1660. I have one of her other books and it's really interesting. I think the items in this one are even more interesting. (To order, you can access the mail order gift shop through the website at You can also contact the retail department directly at 1-800-262-9356 X 8204 or X 8332 Nicole Hallahan is in charge of retail mail order and you can reach her at

Sunday, at the antique show, I found a few goodies besides my needlework booklets. First, I found the photo of this charmer holding his apple. He looks so serious! I really like these pictures of children. I know it's more from having to be still so long for the photo, but, still, I find their serious little faces charming. I've been thinking about what other objects I might be able to place in his hand. Now, if only there was more time in a day so I could do everything I want to do.

In a holiday mood, I purchased these loose garland beads. I had a notion to add them to holiday decorations of some sort (no plans as yet).

And last, I couldn't pass up this hand embroidered kitchen set from the 60s or 70s.

It will be perfect for the next bridal shower I attend (not that I have any in the offing, but you never know). The set comprises two of these pot holders, two towels, an apron and a toaster cover. All with the red trim and charming embroidery. The other pieces have a vaguely chicken or rooster motif. They look unused. It was a bargain and I couldn't pass it up.

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