Friday, December 19, 2008

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays to All!
That's my hubby and me at the zoo on Thanksgiving. I photoshoped us together for our holiday cards this year.

I'm mostly away from the computer from now until the 29th. I'd hoped to do a real post today but it took me 45 minutes to chip the 1/4" thick coating of solid ice off of my car this morning and then over an hour more to drive in to work, so any extra time I may have had was gone.

The ice was beautiful--all of the trees and plants were coated--and hopefully the roads are cleared by now.


  1. Your picture turned out great! Very cool!

  2. Hi Marjorie: The ice is still here. And, currently, we do have power on. That is a relief. Take care on your travels. It is bitter cold.

    Happy Holidays
