Tuesday, December 9, 2008

More Holiday Fun!

Last week was just brim full of fun things! First the holiday party and then on Friday I went to dinner with Averyclaire. We always have a great time, like we've been friends forever. I was really excited when she gave me one of her lovely felt ornaments. I liked this shape best of the ones she made and she read my mind!

She also brought me a pair of figures from Peru, made by local women and sent here to be sold to raise much needed funds. They're really charming and I plan to hang them at work to remind me just how lucky I am.

The gift I enjoyed most over the weekend were two French women's magazines from December and January a couple of years ago--Modes & Travaux--both full of holiday and gift ideas. They have recipes, crafts, decor and fashion (women's magazines seem much the same world round).

I can't really read French, but I have studied it a bit (if one year, thirty years ago counts!) and can grasp the gist of the embroidery instructions, patterns and the recipes. And I certainly can enjoy the pictures of the holiday decorations and clothing.

I spent much of the weekend recuperating from the week. (in addition to the party and dinner out I spent a couple of evenings shopping and running errands, not my quite, sit on my behind, usual state) I took a long nap Saturday and then we visited my sister and her husband on Sunday. I showed her how to make the Christmas tree earrings and she made some for gifts.

1 comment:

  1. oooh, I love your Peru people!! Adorable : ) And the ornament is great!
