Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Button Giveaway Draw

This morning I typed all of the names into a document and printed it, cut out a strip for each name and folded it twice. I put them all into a cup and then went hunting for someone to do the draw. I found a researcher and she shook the cup and drew two names: Sadie and Leila!

I'll put together two baggies of buttons and get them off to you within the next week or so.


  1. Thx!!! I did find a small shell button to add to the inner child doll. I must have bought it at the Valpo Quilt Show -- I plan to get the doll finish-finished.

    Enjoy the day!

  2. Hi Marjorie -- I didn't want to leave another comment on your OWOH giveaway -- you have 101 comments!!! Go you : ) I have almost 100 & put up another book. It is a love story that I heard about on Sunday. A good choice for Valentine's Day reading
