Saturday, January 31, 2009

Heart Sampler Pouch

A while back I posted that I had come across these bits from a friendship sampler gone wrong--the group disbanded without the project being completed.

I finished the pouch pretty quickly and then forgot to post it. So here it is, just in time for Valentine's Day.

My sampler was a long band and the theme, obviously, hearts.

The plaid is likely a "personal plaid" with a code I have no idea any longer how to translate. Personal plaids were all the rage at the time we did this. I stitched the Celtic Knotted heart.

The pouch is sized to hold 3" x 5" photos if I should choose to so so. I added a pocket from extra evenweave and lined the front and back of the pouch with the pink ribbon from my previous (long) post. You can see the picot edge of the ribbon peeping out here and there.

I hadn't sewed in ages, nor finished something like this. I did endless ripping. I finally finished it on the sewing machine. Sometimes using the machine, going through the routine of setting it up, loading the thread, filling the bobbin, will help get my head on straight and I can figure out how it should go together. It's a bit wobbly but together.


  1. Was your plaid related to Chottie's plaid? One of our chapter members (or maybe even the chapter) had a class with her and was able to teach us. I worked a little bit. I think it was based on an address or phone number. Maybe I'll run across the project sometime. Your plaid looks a little more elegant than mine, which was stitched on a large count canvas with heavy yarn. I'll have to try it again sometime with smaller materials for a more delicate look.

  2. I love all the little hearts. These are beautiful.

  3. Sounds like Chottie's plaid -- I have done one of those. I like all your hearts!
