Wednesday, January 28, 2009

One world draw--fine print

I need to back track a bit, apparently, and add some fine print here. First off, I'm blown away by the response to the One World-One Heart Giveaway. Pretty cool. I've been doing more surfing than usual, checking out the blogs.

Looking at posts on other blogs, I noticed that that most other participants had included more detail on how to enter than I had. You don't need to have a blog, but even if you do, I must have a way to contact you in case you win. I need an e-mail address.
I have made it easy for people to contact me, but I've gotten a number of comments that leave me no way to respond. Most have blogs, but the blogs don't provide contact information. I've tried adding my own comments to a couple of the blogs, requesting contact information, but since I haven't received a response I'm not going to continue.
Here is a list of the people who have commented to be entered into the draw here but didn't provide contact information. If you're on this list, please contact me with your e-mail.

Please do enter the draw but also please be sure to send me your e-mail address. You don't need to put it in the comment, but may e-mail me privately. (see my profile)
Sadly, I cannot include the two individuals with no blog links in their e-mails in the draw (Kitty and Betty Jo) unless they contact me. I have no way to get in touch with them. I'll include the entrys with blog links and if they are drawn, I will leave a comment on their blog. If I don't receive a response within 48 hours, I will draw another name.

One of the individuals who didn't include contact information asked about how to obtain Caron Waterlillies Overdyed Silk. The Caron site has a shop locator. Online, Nordic Needle carries it.

1 comment:

  1. Marjorie: I am number 691. This is just great. What a circle of awesomeness. (is that a real word?)
