Saturday, February 21, 2009

benefits of being ill?

Well, I've spent the last few days sitting on my duff, coughing, sneezing, and not doing too much else beyond contemplating why on earth I pulled out three over-one stitching projects to do now. (That's mainly because the other thing I have to be thinking about is how are we going to pay for the new transmission my car is getting right now and I just don't want to think about that.)

These were long days. I've learned you can't cough and sleep. And if you cough while trying to sleep not only are you kept awake but your very patient hubby is, too.

So I got some stitching done. I decided to first finish the plum pudding since it was closest to being done.

Then I got to work on the Ohio sampler from mom's stash. I realized quickly that I need to switch off between an over-one project and something else. The sampler went quickly and was completed in the wee hours one night. I still haven't gotten up the gumption to get it pressed, but here it is.

The pattern had an option to make it a picture or a needle roll. I don't know what mom's intention was, but I'm thinking a framed picture.

Once I finished the plum pudding, I got seriously to work on the plumeria scissors keep. It's coming along. I can't see how mom did what she managed on it. I find it tough going and finally had to add in some color to keep track of where I am with it. The white is nearly impossible to see and I don't last long when working on it. Thankfully, what mistakes I've made have been minor and the colors are so close that it doesn't show. I can see that it's going to be lovely when done. And I'm determined not to put it back in the pile.

As a balance for this, I got the silk sampler from Kreinik underway. It's going quickly (it's quite small, just over two inches across). It's just over halfway done now.

I didn't pick up the little friendship sampler over-one sampler again. For now I'm going to focus on the plumeria.

As I've been stitching these pieces, I've been contemplating what I'm doing and why. I'll be happy to have them done. And I'm pretty sure this isn't what I want to be doing (definitely not over one!). I pulled out a couple of larger projects to put on the "find-a-new-home-for" pile.


  1. Very pretty stitching. Did you prick your finger much coughing and stitching? I hope you are back to your old self real soon!

  2. Your pieces are lovely. I've just gotten over what it sounds like you have. I still have a bit of a cough after a week and a half. Hope you are feeling better quick!!

  3. I'm sorry to hear you have been ill...I have it now. Ugh! I knew it was a matter of time. Thank goodness we have quiet activities to keep us busy.
    Your projects are so pretty. Love the last sampler colors...reminds me of Spring.
    Feel better.
