Wednesday, February 25, 2009

New travel blog

My friend Jenny is a travel writer (amongst many other things). We first met in person on a trip she made to the U.S. and, I think, Canada. Anyway, she's begun a new blog about being a part-time travel writer. It's full of intriguing insights, the ins and outs of traveling and writing about traveling, and great photos. (The pix above is copied from her blog. It's a window in Vienna.) Please swing by for a visit and say "hi!"

If you're a Louis Carroll fan, she has another blog about the author and the book she's written about him.


  1. kewl! I'll have to swing by her new blog : )

    btw, I put up a post about your linen banding / giveaway. Hope lots of stitchers swing by and comment

    enjoy the day

  2. marjorie: DH & I went into Chicago today -- for the Art Institute's free days in February. We visited the Munch exhibit & also toured the Cultural Center.

    Wanted to tell you the Art-o-mat has all new stuff packed in the machine. I got a cute stray eggplant & DH selected a painting.

    Cultural center also has the Lane Tech murals on display upstairs -- downstairs some lithuanian prints on display -- a mixed media exhibit (which was quite unique with grass, sound, moving pictures, etc.) -- and something else (cannot recall name) but we spent several minutes going over all the details in this blue/white painting.

    If I get some time, I'll put up a post.

  3. For some reason I am unable to get into the travel blog with your link...any ideas?

  4. I corrected the link in the blog so it should work correctly now.
