Saturday, April 18, 2009

Finally something to show...

Sun has come back to Chicago--at least for a day or two. So, while the sun was out I took a couple of photos. This is what I did last weekend. I learned how to make this pendant at this month's EGA Chapter meeting (NeedleArtisans of Northwest Indiana). It was taught by Mel and Debbie. Mel had found these large, plastic bicone beads for us to practice on--mine is turquoise above. Once we did that, we had the techniques needed to make the pendants.

I'd been puzzling over the model of this pendant for a few months, since the programs were announced. Once we got the pattern and Mel showed us what to do, I had this lovely "aha!" moment where it all clicked into place. (to find a local EGA chapter near you go to

The pattern is 3-D Dazzle and is from Funky Hannah's Beads and Art and it's available online at their site along with a whole slew of other cool patterns. Go check it out!

I've also been knitting away on my birdies for Cooper's Flock. Read about this project here. I have these three birdies done and one more about 2/3 of the way along. (they're all the same size but the photo angle really has them looking quite different!)

I had a brother who died a few days after his birth, so this project feels really good to do. There wasn't much I could do when I was five, but now I hope to spread some cheer to other babies and their families. More in previous posts here, here, and here.

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