Wednesday, April 1, 2009

March winner/April giveaway

The random number generator picked 3 today so Laurie in Maine won the blackwork book. Congratulations, Laurie!

New addition! Lelia over on Stitches of Life has very kindly sent me a chart put out by Hillside Samplings for an acorn design to replace the missing button. This one-page sheet also includes a lovely pine tree and pine cone (I believe to replace buttons in other patterns). I've printed this out and will send it along with the rest of the materials to the winner.

Also, I will mail this giveaway anywhere, so don't hesitate to enter if you're outside of the U.S. Please do make sure to include contact information.

Here is the giveaway for April. "A is for Acorn" from Hillside samplings. The package will contain the slightly bent chart, Sampler Threads from the Gentle Art (the three specified in the pattern), and linen. I could not find the acorn button (I don't think I ever had it).

Please comment on this post to be entered. I will draw the winner on Tax Day, April 15. Please remember to include your e-mail address or a link to a blog profile that includes a link to your e-mail so I can contact you. Thanks!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oh, wow!! Laurie in Maine is me :)
    yay!! I've never tried blackwork although I picked up a book from our library today called European Embroidery and it has a section with a couple of designs I was considering once I finish up the hardanger block I'm working on.

  3. Please don't include me in your giveaway -- I already have the pattern & ingredients. I did 'spread the word' on a blog post -- and, if you don't have the button, I have a sheet from Hillside Samplings that has designs for 3 of their samplers (in place of the buttons). I've scanned & sent to you.

  4. OH WOW Marjorie. Acorns are my most favorite things. But I must warn you even though I am technically American, well I was born and raised in NJ, I have lived in the U.K. for the majority of my life so if I was lucky enough to win this giveaway you would have to mail it to England. If you don't want to enter me that is fine and I really understand. Lots of Love Patti xxxx

  5. I would love to be entered in your drawing.

  6. Ohh such a lovely design. I would love to be entered.
    Thank you

  7. Would LOVE a chance!

  8. Hi, I just found your blog via Lelia. I'd love to be included in your giveaway. I'm adding you to my Google reader!

  9. Hi, I am another new reader via Leila's blog. Please include me in give away. I too am adding you to my google reader. I don't even want to think about how many blogs are in there, but I just can't resist!

  10. I love her designs and this one is so wonderful, could you please count me in? The acorns are so lovely and who knows I might be able to stitch it in time for autumn :).

  11. I would love this chance ! Please enter me in the drawing :) Thank you.

  12. Hi, I would love to have the chance to own that chart, please enter my name.


  13. I love acorns! Please enter my name in the drawing.

  14. Hi Majorie, I would love to be entered into your draw, this design is lovely

    thanks for the chance

  15. Please include me in your April giveaway. I'll need some cheering up after tax day.
    thank you!
    my blog address:

  16. A great giveaway! Please enter me into your draw.

  17. Hello Marjorie
    Just stopping by from OWOH. I am still enjoying your sweet blog and am looking forward to visiting again..i keep finding you because i love your name so much:)

  18. What a cute chart. I would love to be entered in your giveaway.

  19. I would love to be entered in your drawing. Thanks for the opportunity! SilkStitcher at gmail dot com

  20. Please include my name in your drawing - I love acorns! Thank you!
    Nancy Kuelbs

  21. I would love to be a part of this one! I love Acorns... What an AWESOME idea!
    Thank you for posting this.

  22. Thank you for a great giveaway. I would love to win. tHank you
