Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Pieces of Friendship are off...

I made arrangements to drop off my Pieces of Friendship at the Chesterton Art Center on Saturday, where Pat will be teaching. (Then I'm going to meet a couple of good friends at an Indian restaurant for lunch--woo-hoo! I am so excited!)

It was still dim and rainy this morning but I was able to take photos of the final version of piece 5 and the back of one of the pieces, with the label sewn on. Rapunzel's braid doesn't make much difference in the photo but it does seem to me to make a bigger difference in the actual piece. It took me a while to figure out how to do it and I'm glad I did.

I learned when I talked to Pat that the instructions for the pieces of friendship swap that I had printed out were the original version and had changed a bit. The deadline is now June 1 not May 1, but I have them done and am happy, so I'm going to drop them off and move on to other things.

I just got the latest (and, sadly, last) issue of Fiber&Stitch and the first article is felt beads that are really cool. And I have a big bag of felt out...

I found the NANI State Day Project last night, just where I thought it was (amazing). But it's counted and I just can't do much of that on weeknights. So I think I'll stay in "felt land" for a while longer, at least during the week.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Marjorie: Yeah, I hafta get my State Day project out, too --- after the hospice fundraiser squares. LOL

    Enjoy the day -- I love your pieces
