Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Dolly's adventures continue

Dolly decided to take a tour of the garden last weekend. Rain was predicted all week so she wanted to get some sun before it hit.

First she sunned herself a bit, snuggled up in the evergreen in front of the house. The needles are quite soft. The weather on Sunday was perfect for an afternoon snooze in the branches.

Then she stopped to view the back yard from the top of Tim's fence. The milkweed is in our yard (the butterflies love it) and the last of the roses on the other side in Tim's. We kind of share plants back and forth across the fence. The perch gave Dolly a lovely view of the side and back yards.

Later on she wandered over to sit by the roses next to the garage door. Steve made the trellis, more to hold them back from blocking the door than support for them. They've been there since we had the garage built (30 years) and do just fine. It made a lovely perch for Dolly to sit and just smell the roses.

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