Tuesday, June 9, 2009

It's finished!

This past weekend I finished my Hardanger piece. Designed by Jamee Jecmen, this piece is the project, Web in an Autumn Garden, to be taught this fall when Needle Artisans of Northwest Indiana hosts Indiana State Day on Saturday, October 17, 2009.

It took me longer than it should have. Partly because I hated the Watercolors thread I picked once I got well underway. I liked it in the skein but once I got going on the sides (which meant the front was mostly done), I decided I hated it. Now that it's all done, I'm happier with it. But I also have decided that I need to be more careful and maybe do a test line of satin or buttonhole stitch before diving into future projects.

The top photo is the completed piece before cutting it out to finish. The next photo is the front of the completed amulet bag and the last photo is the back.

It was really interesting to stitch--Jamee is really inventive and creative and there are lots of fun stitches and details.


  1. its gorgeous. good idea about trialling the thread - although the colours look very pretty from here! im going to have a go at hardanger ...one day!

  2. Oh my gosh....it's gorgeous!!! I absolutely adore this piece. Have really begun to appreciate hardanger and all the hard work that goes into it. It's an amazing piece.
