Monday, June 29, 2009

June Giveaway Winners

Wow! I'm really blown away by the interest in this giveaway. Threads are always the most fun! picked 18, 20 and 13 today for the winners of the threads. They are Elmsley Rose, Stef (Stef had several blogs, I just picked one but check them all out), and Jamee J. (She doesn't have a blog but that's her Hardanger here.) I'll be in touch so you can send me your addresses.

If you do something with this thread please let me know. I'd love to post photos on my blog or link to your blog images. Susan at SJ Designs and I would love to know what you think of this fiber and what you do with it.

Thanks so much to everyone who commented and entered this giveaway. I have more lined up for July and August.

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