Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A little progress

Last week was a busy one. I ran a conference at work and then collapsed (I slept most of Sunday to recuperate!). Dolly stayed home and kept an eye on things there. It's gone from cool and rainy here to very hot (50s to 90s!) since last week and the heat making me lazy.

I worked on crocheting a mesh shopping bag at the conference--which looks like a pile of thread so I didn't bother to take a picture of it. I'm using leftover cottons from Susan's washcloths (in this post). It's still in the works.

Thanks to Racaire and her Refilsaum handout, I'm sailing along with my Bayeaux Tapestry bit (see here for links). It may not look like much but this is hours of work done--smoothly and happily finally. I'm really enjoying this piece now. My stitching doesn't look as neat as Racaire's but I can see a definite improvement from my start (the upper left-hand bird) and even as I go along.

1 comment:

  1. more progress than Ive been doing on my embroidery these days! it's looking good. ps I have finished drums of Autumn and just started the fiery cross, so im not expecting to be doing much for a while!
