Tuesday, June 30, 2009

quiet weekend

Even though the weather was mostly lovely here, I was under it this weekend with a sore throat, headache and chills. Not horribly ill, but not raring to go, either. I felt it coming on during the week, I was tired and didn't pick up a needle all week. I did crochet a bit and finished this crochet shopping bag, here full of apples and bananas.
I did get a lot of business taken care of last week and a lot of work done, which felt good. And I took some time our for fun. Last week at this time I was sipping a berry smoothie having a pedicure.
Pedicures are among one of life's great pleasures, I think. My very frugal mom introduced the other females in the family to this after she discovered it when she was probably in her late 60s or early 70s.

When we were young such a thing would have been the ultimate of wasted time and money to her. But she mellowed with age, as we hopefully do. It was a real treat to watch her indulge herself a bit, finally, once she could. She loved to have her hair and nails done.

I was a little shocked when she introduced her granddaughters to this extravagance when they were, I think, 16! (When I was 16 I wouldn't have ever heard of a manicure, much less such things as pedicures.)

She introduced me to pedicures when I took her up to Minnesota to the Mayo Clinic for a problem she was having. I got shocking red for my toenails for my first pedicure! It was such fun and is one of my favorite memories of a stressful trip. I'm sure it was mom's last pedicure.

My second venture into this realm of girlyness was with my sister. It was so very much fun. Now I try to make a habit of it! (now you know my not-so-secret vice!)

Dolly hopped into the shopping bag, in the hope of going on another adventure...


  1. I'm sorry you're not feeling well. I hope you pick up soon. I've never had a pedicure but could sure do with one. As for having my hair done ,I'd like to do that but I've been so short of time I think I'll be going around looking like a hedgehog for another few days yet :-)

  2. Feel better soon! Perhaps one day you will visit and I will treat you to a pedicure. Being a cosmetologist, that is one of my specialties!!!!. Mom is my only client to date..well, sometime DH gets a soak and lotion rub but no polish of course :-)
