Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Finished Object and WIP

This weekend I put the crewel ornament together. It's hard to make myself reduce my stash when I can go dig a bit and find dark green satin for the backing, cotton batting to pad it, a length of perfect green cord just two-inches longer than required, and some nice cardboard to mount it all on.

It went together pretty quickly, once I'd gathered the materials.

I completed the stitching on this stocking a week or so ago and finally got a photo. I've been gathering materials. Crazy quilting takes a lot of stuff--little bits of it but a large variety. I have a second stocking mostly complete and a third started. I bought that star satin material in, I'm pretty sure, 1971.

I've also been working on my project for the Homewood guild summer challenge. I can't show that, however, until after the reveal at our September meeting. I am having fun doing something I've wanted to try for a while.


  1. Your crewel ornament is lovely. I envy your stash. I have a lot of stash, but it seems to never be quite the "right stuff" for whatever I need. Although, I'll admit, I can usually find something for ornaments. I have gathered a fair amount of Christmas fabrics over the years. It's more the ribbons, braids and laces that are lacking.

  2. Your crewel work ornament is gorgeous! Congratulations!
