Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Holiday Weekend 1

The lovely long holiday weekend is over. It was a good time. I ran errands, did chores and shopped at Jo-Ann's on Friday (where I ran into World Embroideries and most of her family, there to get more loopers for the potholder makers). Saturday was rainy all day, but it was a nice quiet rain. I enjoyed it. I suspect all those who had picnics and parties planned were less enthused.

I pulled this pillow project from my UFO pile and stitched on it off and on over the weekend. It's no longer spring, but the umbrella fit. I also worked on the crazy quilt stocking ornaments and completed one (the picture came out too blurry to use). I worked a bit on the knitted lace sachet. Don't try to knit lace late at night when upset--it doesn't work at all well and ripping back lace isn't easy if you don't have lifelines strung. sigh... I've set that one aside for now. I used the quiet time on Saturday and Sunday to do more stenciled and silk screened felt pieces for Camp Quality (more on that later this week).

The rains stopped Saturday just in time for the fireworks. We grabbed chairs and strolled up the block to sit and watch. Our town puts on a very nice display. I absolutely love fireworks. Each year I think how so very lucky we are that these loud flashes and booms and bang engender "oohs" and "aahs" and not fear.

The big news for me this weekend was that I completed the Bayeux Tapestry piece, purchased backing fabric, and got it backed, trimmed and DONE! I dug out my limping sewing machine and put it together on Sunday. All I needed was for it to sew forward and it still does that.

The fabric it's sitting on is the leftover of the backing fabric I used, from the upholstery department. (If you need a piece let me know, I have half a yard by, probably, a yard left with no plans for it. It's a medium-weight fabric.) The wooden hanger came with it, I made a pocket on the back to hold it.

I'm rather pleased with the edge trim. I couldn't find a cording I liked and didn't want to make one from the wool thread (my usual trim), so I bought a hank of round brown leather cord from the upholstery department. I whipped it on with the dark blue wool. I also used a length of the leather to add a hanging cord to the rod.

While I had the machine out, I stitched the lining for a stocking I'd begun long ago as a holiday challenge that never made it. It now will get it's beaded fringe around the top. (Another UFO nearly done!)

On Monday we had our family get together. I'll write about that tomorrow.


  1. why were you upset when knitting the lace? nothing dreadful I hope. I love the finished Bayeux wall hanging it looks great - and a great idea for the edge trim

  2. Love the Bayeux - it looks wonderful now it's done! I hope you're not upset any more (as when ripping out the lace). We had a nice family weekend, having a BBQ over at Vanessa's. But no fireworks of course!
