Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Japanese Embroidery in Chicago

Coming up next month in Chicago (and, lucky for me, right in Hyde Park where I work), will be a four day workshop in Traditional Japanese Embroidery. It will be taught by Karen L. Plater and the classes will be at the Hyde Park Art Center. The class will be August 17 through 20. Pre-registration is required. Here's the flier with information.

Several years ago (at least five), I went to the Japanese Embroidery Center in Atlanta to begin phase one. I felt the experience was less than successful as far as my piece went but I learned so much that I've applied to all of my work since, I'm very happy I went. (never take an intensive class when on a new blood pressure medicine). I haven't touched my piece since the class.

I'm trying to schedule things so that I can attend the Chicago classes and pick up with my phase one piece where I left off. It's not the piece shown above, but Bouquet from the Heart of Japan, shown here. Part of my problem is I have no place where I can work on this at home. If there are enough Chicago area enthusiasts who come, we may be able to organize more frequent meetings.

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