Friday, August 28, 2009

curlicue plant and vacation

The school added new large concrete planters around the building last year. I've shown the lantana in the one by my parking space. These two planters are on the other side of the building, by the main entry doors. I have no idea what these spiral plants are but I've watched them grow with fascination all summer. I finally got my act together to get their picture to share. Aren't they cool?The leaves form the most fascinating spirals and the rose-colored edges add just the perfect touch. I'm seeing designs and color schemes both here. I've not seen this plant among those mentioned in spiral/Fibonacci articles (nautilus shells and sunflower seed patterns are the main examples used), but this seems a good example to me.
As I framed this one in the camera, I saw OWL!

I am going on vacation (woo-hoo!). It's finally planned; we'll be heading north. I'll be here Monday for the draw but the package most likely won't be mailed until my return. I do not expect to have Internet while gone. I'll haul the beast along, just in case, but I don't expect to post again until after the 15th. I'm already in withdrawal!


  1. Have a wonderful trip, Marjorie. Might your mystery plant be some type of coleus? They sure are interesting photos!

  2. At first I thought your photos were of some kind of fabric construction. I thought "Wow, that was a lot of work for someone..."!

  3. wow - what a strange plant - Ive seen nothing like it! its funny - lantana is a dreadful weed here, so when i read that I was thinking 'why have they planted weeds?' ;) have a lovely vacation.

  4. I thought it was some kind of fabric too :) Interesting plant, never seen it before.
    Enjoy your vacation :)

  5. Have a fabulous vacation. relax, stitch and relax some more.

    I'm not sure what the plant is but it does look like some type of coleus.

  6. Hi Marjorie! It's a Begonia Rex "Escargot" or snail begonia. Tuberous, if I recall correctly. The garden center that you like on Joe Orr road (the one at the old farmhouse) was the first place I'd ever seen one; years ago I bought one there for my mother.
