Tuesday, August 4, 2009

First August Giveaway

This first giveaway will be short--to end on my birthday, next Monday (August 10). I'm hoping to do one a week or so this month to celebrate. I have a wide variety of prizes on hand.

This is a double giveaway with two winners. I realized I'd never given away anything that I've stitched, so I decided to do so now. I made these purses several years ago and set them aside to use for gifts and never had found just the right person. They are stitched with ribbon embroidery and both have long cords to wear as necklaces. Both are fully lined. One is black moire and the other black velvet.

Anyone may enter. If you would like to win one of the purses, please leave a comment on this post. If you have a preference, please mention that in your comment and I will try to accommodate you. Please include a way for me to contact you in your comment. I will have Random.org generate two random numbers to select the winners at the end of workday on Monday August 10 (5pm Chicago time).


  1. Well, being number one (maybe)probably isn't good luck for winning a drawing, but here I am. I really like the velvet one.
    Jane (you know where!)

  2. OK Jane --- You're #1 & I"ll be second on Marjorie's list. Lovely bags : )

  3. lovely! i really like the one in the bottom photo (i think it is the velvet one so I may have to arm wrestle Jane for it)

  4. These are pretty. I'd love to be part of your draw

  5. I would love to be included in your drawing. Your bags are lovely!

  6. These bags are very pretty. Please include me in the drawings... Thank you for this opportunity.

  7. Just beautiful! Can I be in your draw pretty please? Either will be fine.

  8. Hi Marjorie! I'd be honored to win one of your bags - they are beautiful!

    tadten @ msn . com (remove spaces)

  9. How generous you are and twice over.
    Please include me in the drawing.

  10. please include me in the draw. I just love the velvet purse. you are very generous. Melisa B

  11. Happy, Happy Birthday and many more! These are both just beautiful! I also posted your special giveaway on my events blog-- www.blogeventsdex.blogspot.com under Giveaways. Eat cake and Celebrate!

    Cathy ♥

  12. They are beautiful, and the first silk ribbon "project" I did was the bottom one. I have no idea who I gave it to years ago, but it was nice seeing we think alike.You don't have to count me in although I would love anything made by your hands, but as you know, I would rather see someone else win because I know the excitement.
    Hugs and Happy early Birthday dear friend,

  13. Gosh, I hope that if your random number operator picks my comment number that you still let me win...even though I won your last giveaway! This is a beautiful gift! Thanks for the chance! :)

  14. I came to you via Blog Events Dex but I am here to stay. I love that purse! My favorite items are with ribbon embroidery. I bead embroidery but have not done any with ribbons. I must go check out the rest of your posts. Blog Events Dex is a lovely way to get to know other creators! Blessings to you in Chicago...sharon

  15. I'm so glad I ran across your blog :) These are just beautiful and you do such a wonderful job. I don't have a preference...I'd be thrilled with either one!!


  16. What a wonderful giveaway. I do believe I see you on stitchin fingers. I love your work and would love to be entered in your giveaway. Sharon

  17. Perhaps being last on the list is the way to win. These are both gorgeous. Love them.
