Thursday, August 13, 2009

I am still stitching...

I've been neglecting this a bit in my scribbles here, but it's always ongoing.

In spite of saying I would stick to UFOs, I began a new project. Mary Corbett on Needle'nThread is teaching a long and short stitch sampler and I'm participating. Here's my start. I had the first bit, that red box, pretty much done but I didn't like it so I started over. My top edge still isn't straight and the first row is a little short, but I'm going to keep going now and not be so picky. The point is to learn this technique not make my first stitches perfect. Now, by the end, I expect they will be perfect! (yeah, right.)
This is the entrelac bag that will be felted. I showed the pattern when I started it a few weeks ago but it was a little tangle on the needles for the first couple of rows and would not pose for a photograph. Row 3 is nearly done and the blue will be row4. It's now at the stage where it can be waiting room knitting. I think I'd like to do this pattern in Noro.

This Hardanger project will fit into the boxes we used for Camp Quality. It is part of the Needle Artisans of Northwest Indiana (EGA) Indiana State Day project for October. While the amulet bag is the actual State Day design, it is too much to stitch in a one-day class, so this is the companion teaching piece that we will be teaching on State Day. Both projects were designed by Jamee Jecmen.
It's nearly done, I just need to do the Hardanger bit in the middle. I used Watercolors and various perle cottons for it. I aimed for Autumn colors this time (the piece is called Web in an Autumn Garden). This worked up quickly and will be great for class. It would have gone much easier if I'd used Waterlilies rather than the thicker Watercolors. (both threads by the Caron collection) I may do a second one.
I also dug out my Japanese Embroidery piece and found two more UFOs in the same case. (it seems to never end!) In 2002, I think, I went to the Japanese Embroidery Center in Atlanta and took a week's class in phase 1. I felt a total disaster, clumsy and awful, and I came home and put the piece away and haven't touched it since.
In the meantime, I found I was using various things I learned while in the class in my other stitching. Both UFOs that I put with the traditional piece use some Japanese techniques and designs. One is on canvas. They're all together because the materials are similar and I used some of the same tools.
I'm planning on picking up and working on the traditional piece next week at the classes I've posted about over the last few weeks. I'm a little anxious about it.


  1. I'm so excited that you are getting to attend the studio classes in Japanese embroidery. I hope you feel better about your success this time; I know I was impressed by what you had done last time, even though it was just a beginning.

  2. Don't be anxious about going to class. REally!!! You are a fabulous needleworker & anything you can learn is a bonus.

    I just wish my week wasn't so PACKED with stuff I HAVE to do --- otherwise, I'd be signed up, too

    Japanese Embroidery is so elegant & I'm not sure people appreciate the efforts put into the motifs.

    The 2nd rotation should be installed at the Art Institute (screens) I hope to get there next week --- everybody's schedule depending!!!

  3. Yep, you're right - the point is to learn the technique. Don't stress over "imperfections."

    By the end of the sampler, I'm SURE they will be perfect!

    Sounds like you have a full plate - so take your time. The lessons'll be there when you get to them!

    Thanks for the mention, and keep up the good work!

