Thursday, August 6, 2009

Japanese Embroidery in Chicago

Reminder -

There will be two special opportunities to learn Japanese Silk Embroidery In Chicago: "Flex Studio" August 17th - 20th, Monday through Thursday at $70/day (plus supplies) and "Mini-Workshop" - August 22nd - 23rd, Saturday and Sunday for $140 including supplies.
Karen Plater, a certified JEC instructor, will be teaching a four-day studio class in Hyde Park, August 17-20, Monday through Thursday. Flexible attendance is possible especially for continuing students. Karen is a certified instructor in Japanese Embroidery. Continuing students at any phase are welcome. New students interested in beginning phase 1 (see image above) should contact Karen as soon as possible. More detailed information about Karen and Japanese Embroidery is here.

Karen will also be teaching a two day introductory mini-course at the Hyde Park Art Center on Sat-Sun, August 22nd and 23rd. For more information and to register go here or call 773-324-5520. Please contact Ruth Bloom for more information about the studio class at lsbrwb at yahoo dot com.
Coincidentally, the Art Institute of Chicago is hosting a special exhibit "Beyond Gold Clouds: Japanese Screens from the Art Institute of Chicago and the Saint Louis Art Museum. There will be a lecture demonstration on Thursday, August 20th at 6PM on Gilding Japanese Screens which we all plan on attending. (Thursdays are free and the Art Institute is open until 9PM.)
On Friday, August 21st at noon there will be an Exhibition Overview by Janice Katz, Associate Curator. (Regular admission fees apply. Information here.)

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