Saturday, August 15, 2009

More Birthday Goodness

My friend Myrna is a knitter. Saying that seems like a real understatement. Myrna knits like she breathes. For me, knitting a washcloth is a major undertaking (I may show a lot of things here, but you'll notice they're all quite small).

She had told me she was sending a birthday gift for me. I was pretty overwhelmed when I pulled the above basket out of the mailing box. A treasure trove of soft goodness for the bath.
Each one is a different pattern.

The colors are vibrant and fun. (They'll fit right into our hot-pink and white bathroom!)

And just so hubby wouldn't feel left out, a cuddly hat for him. He's always chilled come winter and this will keep him nicely snug.Thanks bunches, Myrn!

This was in the post when I typed it, but disappeared upon publication. Hmmm... Lula sent me this perfect book. I really love dictionaries, encyclopedias and can spend hours browsing them. This is a dictionary, but of all needlework, fabric and sewing related terms. How cool is that?

It's not a definitive stitch book, but certainly enough to jog my memory regarding stitches I don't do very often. And it's small size, makes it easy to keep handy in my stitching supplies. Thanks, Lula!


  1. What a nice gift! I don't knit but I do crochet and enjoy it very much.

  2. Very nice surprise! BTW Noro works great for entrelac. You will love the results.

  3. I just love those knitted wash cloths. Lucky you. I keep mine just for my face and one day caught DH with it and darted for it explaining it was only for my face. LOL. A little over reaction don't you think? It was just instinct to protect my treasured wash cloth. Yours are beautiful colors, and I bet you feel spoiled :-)
    Expect a package soon, I am waiting for one small thing to arrive and then I will ship it. I meant to have it mailed long ago..sorry.
