Thursday, August 6, 2009

Rust Dyed Fabric

Last week I finally unrolled and peeled the rusting fabric from the rusty metal pie tins and muffin pans and unrolled the steel wool and fabric copper wire wrapped roll. I rinsed it, scrubbed it with a scrub brush, washed it with Paverpol, dried it and pressed it.
It's really cool.
All in all, it sat outside for about 16 days. I had a glitch that prevented me from getting to it over the weekend as planned, so I did it one evening, in the pouring rain. Since it's a wet process, it was fine. I got soaked to the skin, something I haven't done for years. It was rather fun.These are post-ironing detail pix. I took some quick pre-ironing photos of the entire fabric pieces that are up on my Flickr page. I only made one shot of each. Both sides of the fabric are interesting and quite different. I really enjoyed ironing them--I made sure to do both sides and to really spend time looking at them.This one, above, was the copper-wire wrapped one. It had some striking green and blue areas before washing. They're gone now. A few small turquoise streaks remain. It also has some holes from deterioration from the metals. I found a fairie, an owl, and an angel in the marbling--it's like looking at clouds.Right now I'm still in the "precious" stage, where I'm too enamored of the fabric to think about cutting it up and actually using it. I'm trying to get past that and try to envision it pieced or patched. I tell myself I still have those tins and can make more if I want. It's fun to do.
Then I saw this bit and thought sunflower. The waffle pattern of the tin in the center reminded me of seeds and the flairs around it of the petals. There's an arc in the upper left that could be the corner of the sun and other less delineated flower shapes. So I made myself cut this piece for a small quilted hanging and I am thinking about the best way to enhance the sunflower image. Any suggestions?


  1. Very interesting patterns on the fabric; that one does kind of look like a sunflower!

  2. Funny, the "sunflower" to me also looks like a little hedgehog curled up. Most of the images remind me somehow of animals. They're like some kind of a rorschach test!

  3. Oh, on the Lewis Carroll of North America blog I saw this call for submissions, I'd guess you and most people reading this blog read this magazine but just thought I'd pass it on - Alice in Wonderland submissions.
