Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Finished and WIP

As you may have been able to tell from my previous post, it's been rainy here. Today the sun is peeping out for the first time in about a week. I've been whinging--I had to wear shoes. And a jacket. Summer is definitely over but the pretty hasn't begun yet--we haven't yet had a frost to turn the leaves. I can feel it coming, though. Brrrrr!Here's yet another picture of the entrelac purse. This time it's completely done, with the hex-frame spring clasp installed and the handle sewn on. (the frame is open in the photo) I'm still knitting away on the next one. Between rainstorms this weekend we went out to the Indiana Dunes and plopped ourselves down on a bench overlooking the lake. The clouds were scudding across the sky and the water changed color every few minutes. We sat and I knit and knit and it was just lovely.I began this cutwork snowman while on vacation. I showed it ready to finish a couple of posts back. Here it is all done.I found this Lorrie Birmingham kit last week in Designer Desk's bargain basement. In spite of the fact that I have more projects underway that I'll ever be able to do, I bought it. And in spite of the fact I have other things I need to be working on, like next week's bracelet class, I began working on this project. It's almost done. Just the small flower petals to stitch, then assembly. I've begun that, cutting the cardboard, getting out ribbon for hinges, etc. Sometime a project just takes over like a storm! This was one of those.


  1. That's a very pretty kit. I've just bought a whole load of pansies in those colours to go in my window boxes!

  2. you have been busy - i love the pansy basket - its funny how sometimes you can power ahead and finish a new project quick smart, while a pile of UFOs languish...

  3. I love the way your felted purse turned out, Marjorie. Did you ever mention where you got the pattern? I felted a couple of purses last fall and think it's about time for another.......
