Friday, September 18, 2009

vacation stitching

I don't normally stitch much on vacation. I always take piles of things to do and then don't even touch them. This time, I did do some things. And now Blogger won't let me upload photos (I'll come back in and try again next week). They're on Flickr, however (along with Dolly's vacation and general vacation pix).

I finished the knitting of an entrelac bag to be felted. I also have the knitted holders for the spring closure and the strap knit. Now it needs to be felted. The instructions call for sewing the closure pieces to the bag before felting but the bag is so dimensional, I'm not sure how. So, I'm planning to partially felt both the bag and the closure holders and hope that then they will be more stable and I can sew them together and do a final felting.

While in Eau Claire, WI, we visited Yellow Dog Knitting and I got some variegated silk and wool to knit some more of these bags. I have one well underway. I love entrelac.

I also finally made Steve's heart. Back last spring when I was participating in Pat Winter's pieces of friendship puzzle pieces swap, my husband really liked one of the pieces I made and I promised him his own. Right away I set aside the matierials I'd used on the swap piece so I'd have them, a photo of the finish piece, taken before it was sent off to it's new home, and notes. It made a perfect "kit" to bring on vacation. Today is our 33d wedding anniversary!


  1. Happy Anniversary! 33 years - goodness- thats three times longer than us!

  2. Oh how sweet. I feel bad having the piece Steve liked. I'm glad he now has one of his own. I love makes me smile every time I see it.
    Happy Anniversary my friend.
    Warm wishes for many more happy years together.
