Wednesday, October 7, 2009


I got several things finished this week! First was the Pansy Basket, which was nearly done last time I posted about it. It went together quickly. This Lorrie Birmingham design was a really fun project. I finished these two quickie bookmarks. The designs are from the Matrioshka Biscornu blog. I did them in a pale beige variegated floss. These are the bookmarks I edged on my sewing machine last weekend. Everyone at our meeting about teaching kids at the YMCA looked at this brown fabric and thought "ugly" so I was determined to do something nice with it. We're hoping to generate interest for a kid's class at our local YMCA, to be taught by our EGA chapter members. So far it's been slow going, but if we ever get interested kids, we have a plan.Last night I taught a class in this spiral weave beading. Spiral weave is a wonderful technique that's really adaptable--do it in size 6 beads, as we are in the class, and it's a quick bracelet. The spiral I stitched this weekend is a bit more dramatic. It's size 8 beads with yellow drop beads showing off the spiral. I stitched it in a few hours.I tried to get a photo of the clasp attachment, but it wasn't too clear. I tried something new to me called "French wire" for attaching the clasps. It's a piece of bullion (like for gold work embroidery) only you use it to cushion the thread from the metal of the clasp, making for a stronger join. You bead up to the clasp, string on the flexible French wire (like a bugle bead), and then go through the clasp and back into your beading and end off. The French wire bends and curves with your thread and makes a really clean and neat attachment. I got the kit for this thimble "pip" at the 2007 EGA National in Chicago. When you squeeze the ends of the pip, one side opens and you can store small things inside. This set, which includes an emery and pin wheel, is based on an historical model. The fabric is red velvet. The original used satin ribbons but I had the gold handy. I put a little thimble and folding scissors inside the pip. Last night at our EGA chapter meeting, Pat gave me a lovely gift of a butterfly needle threader. I added that to my pip and will take a photo when I get a chance. It's just lovely and adds a lot to the set. Thanks!

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