Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Party Time!

I haven't been doing much stitching (a lot of ripping this weekend but little progress--I'm working on that black canvas fan design). But I have had some fun.

Last night at the Homewood Embroiderer's Guild we celebrated the group's 30th anniversary and honored our founder. The guild grew out of Hardanger classes held at the Scandinavian Boutique in Homewood. Aina was the owner of the boutique and the teacher of many of us. (The photo above is Aina and her daughter, Anna Marie; below is Linda acting as hostess--cake and punch!)Below are some of the smaller pieces Aina and some of our members brought. In addition to learning Hardanger, Brazilian Embroidery, long-armed cross stitch and loads of other things (like Naversom, which I did on my own but with a book and materials from the Boutique), I also learned perseverance, how to "pfiffle" (figure out a way to fix mistakes or make it right), and a life-long love of household linens.
Aina took each class to her home and, let me tell you, she had Martha Stewart whupped in the linens department. This was probably 1980. She had large closets with padded rods and linens wrapped around them and tied with ribbons. (my jaw dropped!) She spent the evening sharing those incredible embroideries with us, unrolling them carefully one at a time and telling it's story. I just realized that this was when I first realized each of these textiles has a story.

I grew up with hand embroidered doilies and dresser scarves, handmade quilts, hand-knit sweaters, and crocheted table cloths and bedspreads. My grandmothers and mother all created with needle and thread. By the time I took my first class, I had done most of these things myself. But the classes at the Boutique sparked my first true awareness of these things. Now I sat up and noticed what my mother was doing and what my grandmothers had done. I realized how important it is and dove in head first. I haven't come up yet!

It was nice to see her again (she's moved out of town) and to remember our good times. I think she was pleased that we asked her to join our party. Several founding members are still active in the group--I joined in maybe year three--and several others came by to visit. Good friends, good times...

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