Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Slow progress

I've made a little progress on the Camellia needlepoint since first posting it here. It's been slow going and the last time I worked, I ripped more than I stitched. I worked on the gold flowers on the left-hand side. The thread (the DMC gold on a spool) kept wearing and breaking. Then I realized the gold I had outlined the first camellia with was the wrong gold so I took it out and redid it, and the second camellia's outline, with the correct thread. I've also done a few of the many leaves. Next step--more leaves.
I'm also still slowly working on the Long and Short Stitch sampler from Needle&Thread. This isn't a matter of ripping, just a matter of time and energy.
So, of course, I began a new project. I've had the kit for these pears for a while now. Last week I needed a easy "sit in the doctor's office" project so I pulled this out. So far I've traced the pattern pieces and embroidery designs onto the fabric and I'm in the process of basting the pretty fabric to a muslin backing (the needed mindless project). The embroidery itself should be pretty mindless, too, and then I can put it together with the newly repaired sewing machine. I have absolutely no idea what I'll do with them when they're done, but they'll be fun to do and good to have out of my stash pile.


  1. Hi Marj, I like your pears. I have a pattern for pears too, that is sitting in limbo.
    Lots of progress on your fan/camillas. It looks good.

  2. I am always surprised at how similar our tastes seem to be. I also have the pear pattern which I picked up at a quilt shop in Sun Prairie a few years ago. Reminders of projects like this reinforce my interest in them, and emphasize that most of the designs in my stash are still appealing to me. Doesn't always mean they become active projects though!

    Don't dismiss the progress you are making on your Camellia piece. To me it looks like you are making great strides. I've been logging progress on my Friendship Sampler in much smaller increments.

  3. I guess a lot of us have that same pear pattern. It's sitting in my to do box as well. will of course finish yours LONG before I even trace my patterns! State Day was super.
