Thursday, November 19, 2009

New Blog Announcement!

World Embroideries and I have teamed up to begin a new blog for our embroidery group, the Homewood Embroiderer's Guild. Stop by and see what we've been up to. We're just getting going but have plans for more in the near future.

In addition to news items for our members (what to bring to the meeting, etc.) we also plan to announce Chicago area needlework events, show what our members have stitched, and hopefully discuss issues relevant to us and other needlework groups in this day and age (how to raise funds, how to increase community awareness and membership, how to promote needlework and share, and how to attract younger stitches).

HEG was begun thirty years ago. The group grew out of Hardanger classes at a local shop, the Scandinavian Boutique by owner Aina Momquist. She was a major influence on me and my interest if fine embroidery.

HEG is a smallish group of about thirty right now. We're not affiliated with any larger group and we follow our own muse. As member's interests have evolved, so have our meeting workshops. We tend to stick to projects that require a needle with an eye but that's been everything from needlelace to bookbinding to beading. We've also veered a bit on occasion and included knitting and other textile arts.

We meet in Hazel Crest, IL, at the Hazel Crest Community United Methodist Church, 17050 California Ave., Hazel Crest, IL 60429-1137 on the second Monday of the month at 7:15 p.m. We welcome visitors who are interested in needlework and perhaps in joining our community.
The picture above was my entry into our summer challenge--to stitch something geometric for the trivet.

1 comment:

  1. Love that trivet, Marjorie. Did you create the blackwork pattern? Where is Hazlewood, IL? Way too far away from here, but I am curious.
