Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Last Thursday's day out was primarily about clearing things up and finishing old projects but...we did go shopping. I bought the Japanese Quilting Magazine (above) in the spring and keep thumbing through it. I just love the designs in it. I'd settled on the purse design below.This is the project I want to make. I decided that while I like it a lot. what I liked most was the textures and not so much the beige color scheme. So while we were at Tammy Tadd's on Thursday, I looked for texture first and then color. All of the little dots around the motifs are French knots, for even more texture.

This is what I came up with. It's much brighter in the photo than it seemed to me in the store. Hmmm. The larger piece in the back will be the main body of the purse. I haven't sorted out the rest yet. I did get the pattern enlarged and I copied the instructions to send to my niece hoping she can provide guidance.

Actually, the sewing looks pretty straight forward and I'm not too worried. I'll just need to think it through--things like doing the zipper in the top and do I want to add a solid base, feet, interfacing, etc. It's now on hold until after Christmas.

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